Sao Mateus farm is a cultural jew in Chapada de Minas region. Located on the almost tercentenary city of Minas Novas, it holds the traits of the portuguese immigrant community, that in a pioneer way, on the final of the 1970’s, threw themselves into a journey through Brazilian countryside, leading to the production of renowned specialty coffees sold globally.
Nowadays, the property, which the headquarters has traits of Portuguese architecture, is administered by Luis Manuel Martins. In this farm there is a mix of coffee plantation and silviculture. Its owner values respecting the land and the natural and human resources. Currently it gives work opportunities and income for 70 families and 50% of the property is composed by native forest areas.
Sao Mateus farm is composed of a group of seven continuous smaller farms, which are known by the name of the first acquired farm, Sao Mateus. By the late 1970’s, a group of portuguese, who lived in Rio de Janeiro, decided to buy land in the Capelinha’s region, in a condominium system.
Among those portuguese, there was Sr. Silverio Martins da Silva. When he knew the land, he fell completely in love with such vast and productive lands. Because of his rural origins, Dr. Silverio (as he was known by all), had always had interest in investing in the agricultural sector.
Motivated by his roots, he has decided to plant coffee. Despite not knowing this activity, he has bet on this new investment. He has always worried about the social- economic development of the region, which had been very poor at that time. As Silverio was a civil engineer, he decided to build up the headquarters farm with Portuguese architectural traits.