Harvest Period:
August - December
1000 MASL
The Mountains of Espírito Santo
Entering Irmaos Kutz farm, in the township of Barra Encoberta, located 33 kilometers apart from Itarana city, in Espirito Santo state, is being in contact with the story of a champion in producing quality coffees. Silvanius Kutz, 40 years old, has only six years in this field, but already accumulates many prizes in regional competitions promoted by Coopeavi (local co-op). He also came first place in a national competition sponsored by a fertiliser brand, as the best arabic of Brazil, as well as having the feeling and joy of coming seventh place on the Cup Of the Year 2020 prize, which happened at the International Coffee Fair, in Belo Horizonte city, in 2019. In his first year depulping coffee, Kutz was the champion of the Quality Competition Pio Corteletti in 2015. In 2017 he got another first place in a contest between coffee producers held during the Technologic Week of Agribusiness in the microlots category. He compares this last award as the conquer of an olympic medal. “As it was the year of the Olympics, the feeling was the same as an athlete winning the gold medal” – he says, having fun. For Silvanius, the great quality formula is to well-dry the green coffee beans, spreading them out in very thin layers, at the greenhouses. All this spectacular work resulted, in the last year, having all their production considered as specialty coffee (above to 80 points). Everything done at his eleven hectares property, which has two exclusive hectares designated to the coffee production. The activities count on the essential support of his wife, Laudivania Lutki, and of his daughter, Angelica. In 2018 the producer remained at the frontline of the region competitions, winning the first prize of Pio Corteletti competition, with his sacks reaching 91,25 points. From the 2019 harvest, there is only joy, reaching above 83 points in all the pulped natural, and some of the plots and processed coffees grades above 90 points.

The Best Arabic of Brazil

Having Pomeranian origins, the coffee grower doesn’t hide the joy of being part of this market. “In the past, we just harvested and dried. The situation today is different, you can see the advantages I’ve got! I was able to build a shed and now I intend to make other new investments. I did more than five passes to pick the coffee.” – Says Silvanius

See the coffees of this grower






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