Harvest Period:
August - December
850 - 950 MASL
The Mountains of Espírito Santo
Vanilto Grinewald is 41 years old and is a fourth generation of coffee producers. His great- grandfather was a coffee grower and his grandparents, both paternal and maternal, had coffee growing as their main activity. His parents inherited a small property, where they have continued to produce coffee. Since childhood, Vanilto has always helped his parents in growing coffee, until 1998, when he got married and went to live with his wife’s family, which was also a coffee producer. They also had a small cereal trade, which Vanilto kept running for years. But around 2007 he realised he didn’t want to continue working with cereal trades. It was then that he managed to buy a small farm (with great effort) to produce coffee again, beginning to grow his own crops. After some years, his wife inherited part of her family’s lands, which already had coffee crops. Amid a coffee (common type) price crisis, Vanilto and his wife decided to do something, for them to be able to keep working on this niche. They thought they could make improvements on coffee quality, then, they started to use a pulper and soon began producing specialty coffees, after receiving some cooperative incentives. As the farm region is very well located to the production of specialty coffees, Vanilto decided to invest in his property, so that he could grow very high quality green coffee beans.

Faith and hope (Fé e esperança)

All this careful work of selecting the cherries to be harvested, separating them into batches for analysis and the delicate drying process, created in their hearts an even greater passion for producing specialty coffees, in a way that they are very proud of doing what they do. “Producing specialty coffees is very pleasurable, I am passionate about doing this work and I get very satisfied when my coffee is recognized, so I can be well-paid for that. May God give us grace to keep improving and producing even better coffees” says Vanilto.

See the coffees of this grower






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