Pedra Bonita farm is situated in the district of Brejetuba, high on the mountains of Espirito Santo state. The growers, Elio and Silezia, inherited the farm from Silezia’s parents and today they together cultivate the farm’s 20 hectares.
The land’s main activity has always been producing commercial coffee. However, in 2005, the Uliana family
discovered specialty coffees, through a local coffee competition. Since then, they got fascinated about it and knowing about new market opportunities, they decided to begin investing in specialty coffee production.
Currently, Pedra Bonita farm is totally focused on specialty coffee production, instead of commercial ones. This change has increased the family’s income and also improved their lifestyle. Because of this change, their production increased 10% in the last three years, they were able to buy land next to their property and to make investments in infrastructure improvements.