Harvest Period:
July - November
000 MASL, 800 - 1
The Mountains of Espírito Santo
red catuai
yellow catuai
montanhas do espírito santo
Edilio is the third generation of coffee growers and together with his two siblings and parents Lourival and Nilceia, they run a family farm. His parents started growing coffee after a few years living in a nearby town, and he still remembers how rough and difficult those early days were. “My father planted coffee uphill with no technique or preparation for picking. Back then there was no regular programmed pruning, or any technology applied to our farming. When we thought it would be necessary to renew the crop, we used to chop all the trees down and plant everything back up again. Nowadays it’s different, because we are learning and applying the best known techniques to increase productivity. Based on these techniques, we now know the right time to plant new areas and to prune them” says Edilio. Edilio is married to Juliana, and from the top of the fields they have recently bought, they proudly celebrate the fact they are planting new crops of Catuai varietal with the help of friends and other family members. “Can you see all this work? It was paid with one of the lots we sold to Australia. These are brazilian coffee beans that would have been sold to our local market, which is less profitable, but when it was cupped by the customers in Australia, they liked it and ended up buying it. We were really glad!” declares the producer.

Technology applied to our farming

Coqueiral farm is located in the township of Brejetuba, in the Mountains of Espirito Santo region. At this familiar farm, they take advantage of each of the varietals they grow, spreading throughout the year their harvest period, diminishing eventual climate changes impact as well as breaking up their income period. The harvest starts in June and goes until end-November when we still have coffee maturing, ” says with excitement and joy Lourival (Edilio’s dad), who has got all the knowledge and history of the plots in the farm. It only takes a quick look around the farm to realise the care and effort put on every little detail, from their office premises with a beautiful garden, to the processing facilities such as dryer, greenhouse, chemicals, and tooling shed. Each thing in its place; good soil nutrition, the varieties chosen are also to assist not only in productivity but in soil sustainability. The whole process is designed to obtain a sustainable coffee.

See the coffees of this grower






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